“My Take” HETMA Pro AV Conference 2023 with Chi Hang Lo
By Chi Hang Lo
Last week, the Higher Education Technology Managers Alliance (HETMA) hosted a three-day Pro AV online conference. The event brought together Higher Education peers from different universities, Pro AV equipment manufacturers, and keynote speakers to discuss challenges and opportunities in the industry.
One of the conference’s highlights was the Solutions Showcase sessions, where participants could watch product demonstrations and chat with manufacturers. It was an excellent opportunity to learn about new products and ask questions.
I was invited to join the panel discussion “Controlling Your Future: Challenges and Opportunities” with Christopher Dechter, Troy Powers, Gary Cummins, Ryan Gray, and Raj Singh. It was an excellent opportunity to share different perspectives and use cases about the type of control and ecosystem.
HETMA meetings allow for discussions with participants from other states and schools. This flexible schedule enabled attendees to participate in the meeting no matter where they were fully engaged. I highly recommend checking out HETMA’s recordings if you missed any sessions.
The actual value of the conference was the opportunity to network and learn from peers. The conference provided daily happy hours after the sessions where participants could continue their conversations and build new relationships. These happy hours were a great way to exchange ideas and meet new people.
The HETMA conference was a great success, bringing together diverse professionals to learn and network. I highly recommend this event to anyone interested in the Higher Education Pro AV industry, and I look forward to attending next year’s conference.
If you found this sharing helpful, please let me know your thoughts and feedback. I would love to share more about my conference experiences. Feel free to contact me at chihang.lo@usc.edu.
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