“My Take” on #HETMA23 with Starin’s Jennifer Weaver
By Jennifer Weaver
Last week the Higher Education Technology Managers Alliance (HETMA), hosted their virtual technology conference. This is a 3 day event on zoom with keynotes from the HETMA board members, technology manufacturer breakout sessions, HETMA approved Showcase, coffee talk and happy hour.
Each day started with Morning Coffee. This was a time for small talk and to get to know who was attending the conference. Everyone was in the comfort of their home or office with their favorite cup of Joe. This was a great time to chat about the weather, talk with friends you haven’t seen in a while and make some new friends.
The Break sessions for each of the days were jam packed with information. HETMA recorded each of the sessions so even though there may have been 2 or 3 at the same time, you have the ability to go back and watch one that you may have missed. I will be doing some watching over the next few days.
The Manufacturer sessions were amazing, but for me, my favorite sessions were hosted by HETMA board members. I was able to learn what some of the struggles are in Higher Education, the Prism scholarship that HETMA offers and how can Higher Education tackle diversity and hiring practices.
HETMA is making a difference in the higher education community. The ability to have 400 plus virtual attendees shows the impact they are making. HETMA understands not all schools have the funding to send the tech director or tech team to conferences like InfoComm. HETMA made virtual conference cool before Virtual conference were cool. They have stayed with this platform to ensure everyone can participate. This just adds to the many reasons why I love what HETMA is doing for Higher Education.
If you have not attended a HEMTA Virtual Conference, WHAT are you waiting for? This will be something I block on my calendar today, for next year.