“What is the one current technology trend you are seeing that will redefine av in higher ed in the next decade?”
BC Hatchett
Vanderbilt University
We are in such a period of flux that it is hard to pin down just one tech trend. But if I have to, I will say that hybrid is here to stay so the technology to make this experience will continue to improve at lightning speed. Universities have invested a lot of time and resources, so now that faculty and students have become accustomed to hybrid, these tools will more than likely continue to be used and expand in their usage.
Joe Way
University of Southern California
It’s probably too simple to put just “cameras and mics,” but honestly, it’s “cameras and mics.” Pre-pandemic, these were the “nice to have” items that always got cut from the BOM at first pass. Now, they are the first to be added moving forward.
Lex Peters
Virtual learning. I don’t think it’ll go away after this and thank goodness! It’s time we use our equipment and technology to adapt not only to the times but to different learning styles and lifestyles. Virtual learning conducive classrooms should be the new standard.
Jimmie Singleton
University of Southern California
I am excited to see the evolution of “Bring Your Own Device”. Over the last year, many people have been forced to be very resourceful with the devices they have in their homes, so I hope to see this continue over the next decade. One example that I keep hearing is the use of the Crowd Mics app. It will be very interesting when all people bring to attend a class is a smartphone.