What is on your “Holiday Wish List”?
Jared Mukai, Ph.D., PMP
Pepperdine University
This year has brought a lot of uncertainty and I hope the value of being proactive versus reactive with respect to classroom AV management can be carried forward regardless of a pandemic. The more we can stay ahead and plan for various scenarios, the better equipped we’ll be to only effectively respond but also be agile enough to adapt accordingly.
Sean Kalaras
Pepperdine University
My wish is that we can all use the experiences of this year to understand how valuable communication is to our human experience. I hope once we are all together again that we will cherish even the insignificant passing conversations in our daily routines. We all love technology and how useful it can be as a tool for us but ultimately we care most about the heart and mind of the person on the other side of the screen.
John Cheetham
University of North Georgia
Enough staff to install the equipment we have and enough time without students in the classrooms to install said equipment. Also, that we IT staff would remember that work is just a job and not the purpose of life. If you’re just living for a job or another person, you will be disappointed. There is a higher purpose to life than that!
Donovan Monday
West Virginia University
An effective vaccine, an AV friends meet up, my upgrade budget back, and a pony. Sneakers. Fully equipped.
BC Hatchett
Vanderbilt University
All I want for Christmas is the ability to buy direct from manufacturers, and a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle 23 year.
Chi Hang Lo
University of Southern California
I hope I can spend some time cleaning my home and let friends come over. I know we are in a closed and separated situation, but there is nothing better than spending a holiday afternoon with friends.
Tim Van Woeart
Rutgers University
We wish for health and happiness for all of our listeners! #AVFamily
James King
Stockton University
I would like to be challenged so not to fall into the mundane of break/fix. Joking aside an AV meetup would be great as I have yet to meet folks in person, beside Bill.