Tech Manager’s Wishlist
When I was younger, I recall sitting in my room with the latest Sears magazine picking out the latest and greatest item to add to my wish list. As I got older, I moved from the Sears magazine to online sites like Amazon to build my holiday wish list. As we approach the holiday seasons and the end of a crazy year, I am again sitting and building my wish list. I would like to share my tech manager wish list with you guys. Now my tech manager wish list looks much different than the wish list I used to make when I was a child.
Increased use of campus spaces:
This might sound like an odd item to have on a wish list as some might feel the fewer spaces being used would be less work for them to do. This pandemic caused many classes and events to move from physically being on campus to being virtual. It was a fun task meeting this need but I miss having students and faculty members on campus. Having them on-campus might mean an increase of work for the AV team but that is why we’re are here. We can do AV in any business but we choose to be in higher education for a reason and the reason for me is to see students grow in their knowledge and soak in the full college experience.
I enjoy learning something new every day and this year was no different as I added to my wall of certifications. This upcoming year I am going to try and advance my knowledge, of AV and IT, by getting my CTS. I have been thinking about getting the CTS for some time now but it took a backseat as I decided to focus on my MBA. I feel that I am at a point now that I can still work on my MBA but also take my AV and IT knowledge to the next level by getting my CTS.
Looking over this past year, I have made many new connections in the AV field as well as peers from other colleges/universities. Back in March, I started the HETMA award winning Slack workspace called HigherEd AV/IT. I never imagined this group taking off the way it has but we are now up to 70+ members from across the globe. My wish list item is to grow this group so it can keep being a great resource for us higher education tech managers. Besides building this group, I also want to build my connections and relationships with other members of the AV field and members inside and outside of the university. The more connections we have the more resources we have in helping us grow. If you would like to join the HigherEd AV/IT Slack workspace and work in higher education please reach out to me with your school email address (
Now, what would a tech manager’s wish list be without having some technology on it? Just like when I was younger my wish list always included some type of tech. With the pandemic this year we were forced to make changes to our classrooms to meet the shift to online teaching. This shift might have pushed some of our planned upgrades to the back burner. Now we are still in unstable times but I don’t want to keep pushing upgrades further as we will return to the classrooms in one way or another. Knowing this, I will still continue putting upgrade equipment on my wish list so that spaces do not fall further behind.
Just like when I was a child, I know that I might not get all or even any of the items from my wish list but I still enjoy creating them. I find building a wish list allows me to review the year while also looking ahead to the new year. As we look at wrapping up this year and look forward to 2021, I do hope that you are able to get at least some of the items on your wish list.
Meet the author: James King
James King graduated from Stockton University in 2008 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Information Systems and a Minor in Business Studies. After graduation, he started working full time for Stockton’s IT department and in 2012 was assigned to support the classrooms’ AV equipment. Since joining the AV team, he has continued his education by getting AV certifications as well as working on getting his MBA. Besides working at Stockton, he is also a member of the AVIXA Technology Managers Council, manager of the HETMA award-winning Higher Ed AV/IT Slack workgroup, the current president for Pinelands Soccer Association soccer league, co-coach of a travel soccer team, and a goalkeeper trainer.