“Share the #AVLove… Who is one higher ed AV peep who invested in you and/or is responsible for your current success and what did they do or say?”
Dr. Mark Arnold
University of Applied Science, Dresden, Germany
A mentor and colleague once said, it be better to leave uni, but see what happened, I am fulltime staff higher Ed a uni. … This needs stamina and courage.
Donovan Monday
West Virginia University
Casey Workman. When I started working with him I knew audio and that was it. He taught me video streaming, graphic design, video editing, digital signage, and server admin. Really sparked my interest in things that lead me to where I am. Good boss, better friend.
John Cheatham
University of North Georgia
The person who invested the most in me is my former boss. It’s not so much what he said but more his example of steadfast ethics and always putting our customers (students and faculty) first.
Lex Peters
University of Southern California
I have to pick one? Ugh. Realistically I would say my manager, Jimmie Singleton. Not only has he shown a relentless work ethic admired by everyone, but he *mostly* always does it with the best attitude. He’s invested countless hours of mentorship and advice as I navigate this new field of work. People don’t remember words, they remember how you made them feel, and without a shadow of a doubt, Jimmie makes everyone feel welcome and heard. Who doesn’t love that?
Justin Dawson
University College Dublin
Oh – the AV Love I think I answer in my own column this month. Simon Lang and the Bromance, My wife who listens to all my anxieties, worries and stresses and I hope in time I don’t lean on her so much with my work issues and more on my achievements. But there are actually too many people to share AV Love to, I think I need to make a video listing all the people that have helped me get to where I am now and helped me in my AV profession. Its quite a list, Im running out of paper!
James King
Stockton University
Since day one of getting active on social media many #higheredav tweeps were there to help me. It’s hard to name folks but here a couple – Joe Way, Mike Pedersen, Steven Gibbs, and many others. It’s hard to pick out any one thing they had said but more of the community that is built.
Joe Way
University of Southern California
For me, it really is two people who I owe all my higher ed success to: BC Hatchett from Vanderbilt and Gina Sansivero of Atlas IED. Making the move into higher ed from the entertainment industry side was lonely, but my friendship with BC showed that I wasn’t alone (and there was always someone I could vent to!). Then, Gina welcomed and encouraged me get involved with our peeps, which has continued to pay dividends; she embodied the love and care we all have for one another and the love of AV.
It’s Joe’s Joe
Anywhere We Can Annoy Joe From
We would like to thank @tdalbright, @MachinaMeg, and @mattdscott for supporting us throughout our journey and for our continued success. As long as @josiahway continues being super easy to make fun of we should be good. #AVTweeps