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087: What ? Do You Wish You Were Asked? | The AV/IT Amplifier Podcast

087: What ? Do You Wish You Were Asked? | The AV/IT Amplifier Podcast

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A Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!  This week we bring you some voices from the past year of the show and their answer to the common question, “What is a question you wish people would ask you but no one ever does?”  There’s some great similarities and differences in how people respond but theres alot of wisdom to be found as well!  

You’ll be hearing from:

Tyran Payne
Britt Yenser
Tim Albright
Carrie Garcia
Kameesha Jones
Jordan Scales
Brittney Grant
Adaline Tatum
Samantha Powell
Lisle Waldron

Everyone hang in there, go easy and we’ll be back next week!