210: Megan Dutta, Director of Emerging Markets at LAVNCH CODE | Higher Ed AV Podcast
Higher Ed AV Podcast
Episode 210
It takes strong partnerships across all channels for higher ed tech managers to be successful. This includes our relationships with our media partners. Joe Way welcomes Megan Dutta, Director of Emerging Markets and Editor-In-Chief at LAVNCH CODE and rAVe Pubs to discuss how we can leverage our media groups for success.
Connect with Megan Dutta:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/megandutta/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MeganADutta
Learn more about LAVNCH CODE and rAVe Pubs:
LAVNCH CODE Website: https://lavnch.com/lavnchcode/
LAVNCH CODE Twitter: https://twitter.com/LAVNCHCODE
rAVe Pubs Website: https://www.ravepubs.com
rAVe Pubs Twitter: https://twitter.com/rAVePubs