208: Kevin Schornhorst, Director, SLED Business Development at AVI-SPL | Higher Ed AV Podcast
Higher Ed AV Podcast
Episode 208
It takes strong partnerships across all channels for higher ed tech managers to be successful. This includes our relationships with our integrator partners. Joe Way welcomes Kevin Schornhorst, Director of SLED at AVI-SPL to discuss how we can leverage integrators for success. We also discuss Kevin’s former role at Georgia State University and the insights he’s gained from being on both sides, as both the end-user and integrator.
Connect with Kevin Schornhorst:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-schornhorst-00075613/
Email: Kevin.Schornhorst@AVISPL.com
Learn more about AVI-SPL:
Website: https://www.avispl.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/avisplinfo
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/avi-spl/