162: Mike Blackman, Managing Director, Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) | Higher Ed AV Podcast
Higher Ed AV Podcast
Episode 162
The 2022 ISE Show (Integrated Systems Europe) is being held in beautiful Barcelona, Spain, May 10-13. The show will be back in force and ready to host a full event in its new location. Joe Way talks with Managing Director, Mike Blackman, about what to expect and why it’s important for higher ed tech managers to attend. Joe also makes a bold attendance prediction and may have got Mike to agree to a TikTok dance… assuming something happens… Take a listen.
Mike Blackman
Managing Director
Integrated Systems Europe
Twitter: @ISE_Mike
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaellblackman/
Integrated Systems Europe (ISE Show)
Website: https://www.iseurope.org
Twitter: @ISE_Show