We’ve been teasing this for months, but now it’s finally here! The HETMA Virtual Conference! On this episode, the Higher Education Technology Managers Alliance steering committee members discuss the upcoming virtual conference and think tank, happening December 9-11, 2019. As technology managers it is important that we have an open forum to discuss the issues, challenges, and solutions necessary to be successful in our daily roles. This is the purpose of the HETMA Virtual Conference. Sign up for the free webinar-style conference at the HETMA website: http://www.hetma.org.
We provide an overview of a few of the sessions as well as begin the dialogue that will continue into the conference. Topics include: The State of Higher Ed AV, AV-over-IP, Accessibility and Universal Design, AVaaS (AV as a Service), eSports, Vendor Relationships, Classroom Staffing and HR, and a AV Happy Hour “Ask Us Anything” Session.
Sign up for the HETMA Virtual Conference here: http://www.hetma.org/#conference. Connect with HETMA online at HETMA.org, on Twitter @HETMA_org, Instagram at @hetma_org, and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HETMA-Higher-Education-Technology-Managers-Alliance-2165716436980535.
Connect with the HETMA Steering Committee on LinkedIn and Twitter: BC Hatchett (@bchatchett); Craig Shibley (@craigshibley); Dean Wentworth (@deanwentworth); Donovan Monday (@dmondaywv); Jim Wellings (@hdtechie); Joe Way (@josiahway); Josh Kaufman (@avforaccess); Mike Pedersen (@ped1971); Scott Tiner (@stiner); and Tim Van Woeart (@tvanwoeart).
HETMA is an advocacy organization focused on the higher education AV industry. The goal of HETMA is to raise awareness of technology issues unique to the higher education community by communicating with manufacturers, vendors, and higher education administrators on the needs and challenges that technology managers face. HETMA is also dedicated to providing educational and networking opportunities to our members so that we can empower and grow our influence as an industry.