Spotlight on…
The HETMA Board of Directors
This month we spotlight the newly elected board of HETMA and ask each one: “How do you Envision your role on the board impacting and supporting our higher ed vertical or the greater AV industry?”

Chair: Joe Way
Joe works as the Director of Learning Environments at the University of Southern California, overseeing the design, installation, and support teams for the approximately 500 general use classrooms, auditoriums, conference rooms, labs, and group stud spaces. I also host the weekly Higher Ed AV podcast.
I am a visionary person in general, and really bad at handling day to day details. So, yeah, I have no idea how I became the chair here. LOL I hope to be a catalyst for others to be successful. I love seeing our vertical’s people impact the life and work of others in our vertical.

Vice-Chair: BC Hatchet
BC Hatchett is the Associate Director for Classroom Technology at Vanderbilt University and has been the higher education AV industry for 15 years. In his current position, BC is responsible for leading a high performing team responsible for the design, implementation and support for learning space technology across Vanderbilt University.
It is my hope that HETMA will amplify the voice of the higher ed AV community as a whole. We are a large and highly skilled community that is charged with an important mission. I always point to the fact that we are not making widgets, we are supporting educators that are training and teaching the next generation of leaders. Due to our day to day interactions, we are in a unique position to provide guidance to manufacturers as well as each other on how we solve challenges and provide solutions.

Secretary: Annie Foster
Annie has been working in Higher Ed A/V for 7 years. A/V has been a common theme during her career while exploring many distinct aspects of technology including theatre, live music, video, and media arts. She currently is the Classroom A/V and Computer Technician at Elizabethtown College where she designs, programs, installs, and maintains the classroom spaces on campus.
I hope to impact the higher ed A/V community through my role by promoting effective communication and contributing to the community at large. What drew me to HETMA was the open and welcoming community; I hope I can help it grow while maintaining the same sense of camaraderie. I look forward to many other aspects including working with manufacturers to support higher ed’s specific needs, and promoting our industry as an equal partner within IT!

Treasurer: Dean Wentworth
Serving Higher Ed for many years as the Director of Education Technology at the United States Military Academy. I have recently transitioned into a position supporting the Federal Judiciary but keep a foot in Higher Ed.
As the Treasurer of HETMA and a voting member of the board I’d like to use my experience to help higher education institutions cut through some of the contracting and administrative hurtles that so many state and smaller institutions face in order to ensure that the educators have quality tools to reach all types of learners.

3-Year At-Large: James King
James King is the Audiovisual Specialist at Stockton University. He administers the HETMA award-winning Higher Ed AV/IT Slack workgroup, writes the monthly “AV in IT” column for Higher Ed AV, hosts the Ask the Programmer podcast, and is a crew member on “The AV Life” podcast. Currently working toward his MBA, he is also a member of the AVIXA Technology Managers Council.
As the Director at Large 3 year term I see myself helping the voices in the back be louder. As well as paying attention to the small details that if over looked could lead to bigger issues. These small details and voices in the back need to be brought to the forefront so we can continue to provide a high level experience for our students.

2-Year At-Large: Erin Maher-Moran
Erin Maher-Moran is the Multimedia Services Manager at Johns Hopkins University. Her team designs, installs, supports and maintains the classroom technology in general pool classrooms, as well as supports events, on the Homewood Campus in Baltimore, MD.
I see my role on the board as one that supports the goal of gaining resources and equity in this industry for all universities, no matter the size or prosperity.

1-Year At-Large: Tim Van Woeart
Tim Van Woeart is the Senior Project Supervisor for Digital Classroom Services at Rutgers University in New Jersey. He has been involved in Higher Ed AV for over 10 years now. He is also the host the The AV Life here at HigherEdAV.com.
I envision my role as one who supports all the aspects and projects within HETMA and to develop further the mission and to continue to grow and foster the community that we are building for all current and future members.

HETMA Approved Program: Donovan Monday
Donovan Monday, is the West Virginia University Learning Space and Collaboration Engineer. I began my career as a performer and moved to integration. Now I’m a Zoom administrator and classroom technology designer for the Health Science Center.
I envision my role on the board as the Approved Program chair as helping to find those products and services that best suit us in higher education and help shape new technology to better server our vertical.
Focus Groups: Raj Singh
Raj has been working in/with Higher Education AV for more than 15 years. He is an experienced professional with broad understanding of all aspects of AV/IT technology stack, architecture, design and project management at the highest levels. Raj is currently the Manager of AV/IT Design & Engineering at University of Southern California, where he manages the team responsible for design, engineering and management of all ITS-Learning Environments spaces at USC.
Raj envisions his role as a board member at HETMA and HETMA-Focus Groups Chair to be instrumental in fostering partnership with the AV Industry and Higher Education Institutions. This partnership between HETMA and the AV Industry will allow Higher Education Institutions to have influence and a voice within the AV/IT Industry product roadmap. The partnership will also ensure that the AV Industry manufactures design products which are aligned with Higher Education Institutions mission of student success and exceptional learning outcomes.

Membership: Mike Pedersen
Mike Pedersen is the Audiovisual Experience Manager at Iowa State University. The 2018 CTS Holder of the Year, Mike has been in Pro AV for almost 22 years and is active with HETMA, AVIXA, with STEM/STEAM education advocacy, and with Higher Ed AV Media where he writes the monthly article Integrator Insights.
One thing that has amazed me in the three years I have worked in higher education is the willingness and openness to share ideas, designs, and problem solving solutions. This spirit of collaboration and mutual support is refreshing and very different than the more competitive nature of the integration community I had previously worked in. As Membership Chair, I look forward to expanding the size and reach of this open and sharing community of professionals in higher education AV.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Kayden Kassof
Kayden Kassof is the instructional designer and AV space designer for American University. In addition to being the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chair for HETMA, they also are on the board of directors for CCUMC and in the AVIXA Diversity Council.
As the DEI Chair, Kayden hopes to make meaningful partnerships between higher education institutions and AV vendors that help break down barriers for underrepresented communities and encourages all types of people to be involved in designing, building, implementing, educating, and servicing AV technology.

Conference Committee: Jimmie Singleton
Jimmie is the Manager of Learning Environments at the University of Southern California. He focuses his work heavily on improving customer experience with AV & IT support teams. His team oversees the support for all general use classrooms on campus.
In my role, I hope to use my skills in event planning and facilitation to help deliver successful and exciting HETMA events. We have done some great events before and I hope to continue that as well as expand our reach to all higher ed tech managers.

Regional Co-Chair (East): Will DeWitt
Will dewitt is the AV manager for College of Charleston where he oversees conference ands well as classrooms live virtual and broadcast events.
I would like to increase local regional support for our higher ed tech workers and organizations.

Regional Co-Chair (West): Craig Shibley
Craig Shibley is the Director of Multimedia Services at California Baptist University and runs the “Check My AV” website.
I see the regional chair position as helping give more direct, specific resources to HETMA members. In the whole group, we give a lot of general information and resources. I hope to see the regions give more specific support when it comes to laws/regulations, vendor support, and other needs specific to certain areas.

Communications: Lex Peters
Lex Peters is the CX Designer at the University of Southern California and owner of Rippl Studio- Brand and Web Design.
I see my role as communications chair as a great opportunity to help get the word out about HETMA in an eye-catching way. It’s important that we reflect our values in every aspect of our communications from design to announcements. We want people to feel the sense of community and camaraderie every time they interact with HETMA.