AV Superfriends: On Topic

15: Your Package Is Real Simple | AV Superfriends
Recorded November 17, 2021
It’s the 2nd Annual AV SuperFriends Holiday Show! Yes, we’re recording this in November, even before Thanksgiving, which just feels weird, but such are the necessities of podcast publishing schedules. In return, we’ve added some additional production to the show in the form of not-at-all annoying sound effects and background music!
For our Holiday Show, we couldn’t decide between a standard gift exchange and a White Elephant gift exchange, so we’re doing both… virtually of course. We came up with rules: the gift must be AV-related, must exist in real life, but can cost any amount. It’s a podcast, so play along, folks!
This episode is really for us to have fun, but even so, there’s some good-natured discussion of our various podcast-from-home arrangements, challenges with supply chains, and campus network improvements.
So, a video wall for little Justin, a gold-plated microphone for little Rachel, a sound-proof booth for little Jamie, a set of packing crates for little Chris, network transceivers for little Marc, and new LED panels for little Larry.
Happy Holidays, everyone!