Recorded July 7, 2021
It’s Back to School season, so get some new shoes, a nice shirt for the first day, a new Trapper Keeper and pencil bag, and let’s all take an awkward picture by the front door on the way out to catch the school bus. And, we have some survey results to discuss— and we love our surveys! — from Classroom Technology on the ways Online Learning (whatever that means) is changing post-pandemic. The students are driving change, so it’ll be interesting to return to this topic after a year and see how we did.
Next up, Marc knows what our top Help Desk ticket issues will be this fall and lets us all in on the secret. Are you prepared? It really focuses on the dichotomy of experience between teaching and learning at home and from a classroom. And it will inform AV design for years to come. Also, get rid of your codecs in classrooms.
Finally, do you have rooms you haven’t been in for over a year? Well, chase those spiders away, those rooms need to be 100% for the start of Fall classes! Jamie walks us through how UMKC does their room checks and the advantages of allocating resources to support that model.
Article discussed during the show: https://campustechnology.com/articles/2021/06/22/how-the-pandemic-changed-higher-eds-priorities-for-online-learning.aspx