221: Aaron Peterson, Senior Solutions Engineer, Mechdyne Corporation with Guest Host Mike Pedersen | Higher Ed AV Podcast
Higher Ed AV Podcast
Episode 221
Industry partnerships are an essential part of our success. This week, Mike Pedersen guest hosts, and is joined by Senior Solutions Engineer at Mechdyne Corporation and Higher Ed Advocate, Aaron Peterson. Mike, formerly of Mechdyne, has the important conversations with Aaron about working with integrators and how we can be successful together. They discuss great tips on design practices… oh, and the state fair? Take a listen!
Connect with Aaron Peterson:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_AVAP
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/-avap/
Connect with Mike Pedersen:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ped1971
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-pedersen-cts-d-cts-i-7477191/