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035: Lance Beaumont from California Baptist University; Using AV to Build a Major

Higher Ed AV Podcast - Episode 35 - Lance Beaumont - California Baptist University

Lance Beaumont (@LanceBeaumont), Associate Professor of Music and Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Program Development, at California Baptist University School of Music (@CBUMusic) joins the show to discuss the creation of two new AV-heavy programs. Joe and Lance talk about how course design and AV are integral in the success of the new studio-based Commercial Music degree and virtual-hybrid Worship Arts M.A. degree. As AV becomes central to the discipline, as tech managers we need to be able to see how technology can be either a hinderance or asset to teaching outcomes.

Sound Productions -

This episode is proudly sponsored by Sound Productions, (@SoundPro). Sound Productions is a professional and commercial AV & Lighting supplier based out of Irving, Texas. They will beat any competitor’s price. Tell them Joe from the Higher Ed AV podcast sent you.

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