Heyo! What’s going on?! Chris Neto (@chris_neto) and Mark Coxon (@AVPhenom) takeover the podcast to help Joe Way (@josiahway) and BC Hatchett (@bchatchett) break the news about HETMA (@HETMA_org), the Higher Education Technology Managers Alliance, they have co-founded. HETMA is a forum for the advocacy of higher education in the AV industry that hosts focus groups, events, a virtual conference, and promotes data-driven research for manufacturers, integrators, and higher ed tech managers. We talk #AVintheAM (@TheAVintheAM), building relationships, and having a voice in the product and services lifecycle. Learn more about HETMA at http://www.hetma.org, and sign up for the newsletter to hear about early initiatives. Oh, and listserv’s, hyper-spice chicken, #AVaaS, & socioeconomic demographics? Yeah, we go there.
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