In this premier episode, Joe Way interviews BC Hatchett from Vanderbilt University, explores an alternative way of thinking about AV as a Service and the implications for Higher Ed tech managers, and introduces the podcast purpose.
Simple ideas are easy to have, but aren’t always acted upon. 10 months in the making, and here we are! This podcast is for building the campus technology manager community. This is about you… but here’s a little about me.
What would it look like if AV as a Service (AVaaS) was more than a purchasing model, but a way to relate to our end users. I springboard off two recent articles by Gina Sansivero (@fsr_edu) and Mark Coxon (@AVPhenom), and discuss what true “Higher Ed” AVaaS model might look like.
BC Hatchett (@BCHatchett) is the Associate Director for AV Design & Support and Media Services for Vanderbilt UniversityInformation Technology. He and I discuss service modeling, the #AVintheAM (@chris_neto) phenomena, and his AV model for Vandy.