Join us for our first ever video podcast NOT about Joe. (I know, we are just as shocked) This week we approached the topic of mental health because let’s face it, most of us are barely keeping our ish together. Grab a drink, sit back, and relax while we discuss the dirty truth of mental health. Journaling, productivity, would you rather be a dog? All great stuff.
We’re sorry you couldn’t actually join us. But we still want your input, tweet ideas of how you keep sane or just whatever your heart desires to us @itsjoesjoe on Twitter.
I Hate You
Joe WayPresident, Higher Ed Media
Truly Riveting and probably some of the best #AVTweeps out there
Jimmie SingletonCo-Owner
Matt Scott and Meg Biggest Fans
Honestly, it’s the only place I get dirt on Joe.
Lex PetersCo-Owner
Meet the geniuses behind It’s Joe’s Joe
It’s us. We are the geniuses.

Lex Peters

Jimmie Singleton
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