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An Introvert’s Guide to Infocomm  | Somehow I Manage

*Record scratch* you might be wondering why this article isn’t about student employees. Fear not, the articles about student employee management will resume. But this column isn’t just about managing student employees– it’s about managing all sorts of things! So I wanted to pause the student employee series and ask– how are you managing your self-care and mental health?

By Britt Yenser

“You are exactly where you need to be.”

You’ve probably seen a lot of articles about Infocomm by now. With the big show looming, many people are offering up their tips to have a fun and successful experience. I haven’t been to Infocomm in about five years, so my trade show advice is limited. I do, however, navigate the world every day as a neurodivergent introvert. With that life experience in mind, here is how I will manage my upcoming Infocomm experience, based on how I typically manage large events or deviations to my routine. 

  1. Have a plan. A plan for me looks like this:
    • Downloading the app, getting familiar with it, and marking booths and activities I plan to attend.
    • Adding everything to my Google Calendar because while the app is great, things do not exist unless they are on my calendar. 
    • Using Google Maps and websites to scope things out ahead of time, like the route from the airport to the hotel and hotel to the convention center, and to get an idea of what I can expect from the different buildings. This also helps me schedule myself, as I start to learn expected travel times. 
    • Scheduling breaks, because if I am relying on my calendar to tell me what to do, I might forget to take a break and end up overwhelmed. 
  2. Practice self-care. For me, this is:
    • Staying hydrated.
    • Drinking responsibly. 
    • Feeling prepared with a well-stocked backpack. I basically turn into Mary Poppins. If you need something, find me– I probably have it. 
    • Getting adopted by extroverts. Seriously, though, the buddy system is a great method to feel safe and conserve some energy. 
  3. Live in a FOMO Free Zone. For me, this is:
    • Prioritizing what I want to see and do, and mentally letting go of the things I did not prioritize. 
    • Being present.
    • Creating some routine and structure for each day. That way I don’t feel like I have missed anything– I know I am using my time purposefully. 
    • Believing that where I am is exactly where I need to be. 

Large trade shows like Infocomm are great professional development opportunities filled with friends you just haven’t met yet. With positive framing and some planning, you can take your show experience from good to great. Whether this is your first time at Infocomm or your annual professional development, just remember– you’re exactly where you need to be! I hope some of these tips have helped my fellow introverts, and I hope to see you at #Infocomm24! 

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