HETMA is pleased to announce the Epiphan Pearl Nexus has successfully passed the HETMA Approved evaluation process in the category of Video Processor.
The HETMA Approved Program is a signature initiative of the Higher Education Technology Managers Alliance. It serves the membership by providing a list of products that have been rigorously evaluated by peers in a higher education setting and approved for use in that vertical. It serves reviewers by giving them the opportunity to use and test new products in their own environment often with the ability to keep the item after evaluation. It serves the industry by providing a way to get products in front of higher education buyers with a stamp of approval and provides direct feedback on products by the higher education vertical.
Certifications of the HETMA evaluators for the Pearl Nexus include: CTS, CTS-I, CTS-D Extron A/V Associate, Crestron Master Technology Architect, CompTIA N+, Dante, Extron DSP, Project Management or A/V-AVIXA, QSYS, Net+, CCNA, CEH
Comments from submitted evaluations included:
“This product delivers what Epiphan said it would do. It works perfectly for what we need it for and for what it can do”
“The build quality is high, as one would expect from an Epiphan product”
“In every scenario, we threw at it, the Nexus performed flawlessly, particularly for lecture capture”
“The Nexus unit was built around requests made by the Higher Ed community; we needed a single RU box that acted as a remote recorder and that is exactly what we got; with all the extra bells and whistles included in the Pearl line of products as well. The dashboard that comes with the additional license fee makes supporting your classrooms even easier by giving you live feeds with audio with only a couple of clicks”
To learn more about the Epiphan Pearl Nexus please visit: https://www.epiphan.com/products/pearl-nexus/