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brAVe [space] podcast | Ep 53: Lisa Stephens Joins the brAVe [space]

brAVe [space] podcast | Ep 53: Lisa Stephens Joins the brAVe [space]

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Recorded on November 26th, 2024

In this episode of brAVe [space], host Britt Yenser sits down with Lisa Stephens, one of the brilliant minds behind FlexSpace, to explore its purpose and origin story. Through an engaging conversation, Lisa shares insights into the founding of FlexSpace, revealing powerful life lessons along the way, such as:

  • The importance of communication and collaboration
  • Being persistent and learning as you go
  • Practicing gratitude for the people who contribute to your journey
  • Breaking down barriers
  • …and more!

Britt and Lisa also theorize on the collaboartive nature of Higher Ed, and whether this culture is feasible in other enviornments. 

Be sure to listen to the end to learn more about Lisa and to hear our action items!

Connect with Lisa Stephens

Check out FlexSpace:

Connect with Britt Yenser