Tech Managers Council
The Mission
To create a community for current and future technology management professionals to discuss our collective interests, share best practices and diverse perspectives while collaborating with other AVIXA groups and the industry as a whole, while also supporting existing and emerging audiovisual technology, and creating solutions as a service. We intend to further this mission by serving as subject matter experts for our institutions and companies, advocating for them and our clients, and by serving as liaisons to manufacturers and integrators, sharing valuable feedback based on our real world experiences in the interest of our mutual benefit.
A Message From the Chair: Mike Pedersen, CTS-D, CTS-I
As Chair of the AVIXA Technology Mangers Council, I wanted to just write a few thoughts. Those who have been a part of the Council for a while will have perhaps sensed a change. For a long time the Council was very task oriented, working to complete various projects that are good and important to technology managers. In the last year, especially since March, we made a change in direction. We attempt to find guest speakers occasionally, and we have been very relationship oriented instead of task oriented. We just believed that in the midst of the pandemic and all the changes that forced on tech managers, another source of mutual support was essential. I foresee this continuing for a while yet, until we have started into the next normal, whatever that looks like. Actually, I hope the council can continue the relationship building well into the future, just perhaps scaled back.
That’s not to say that there are not tasks to be completed. There are, and we will eventually make some progress toward them. It will happen in time. The mission of the Council will continue to be to provide a point of interface between the needs of technology managers and the many endeavors of AVIXA as a whole including certification, standards, and training. There is an unending list of opportunities there for work to help our verticals.
The immediate mission, of course, is to tackle the programming and details for the Technology Managers Forum for InfoComm 2021 this summer, in whatever form that show ends up taking. Our next two council meetings are scheduled for February 2nd and tentatively February 23rd, each at 2:30pm ET. We would love to have you join us and take a part in planning the Forum and joining in the relationship building and mutual support. If you have any questions or want to join the Council, please reach out to me at, or Brittany DiCesare at
Current Initiatives
Technology Manager Advantage
Technology Strategic Planning Matrix
Get Involved
Tech Managers Forum
Check out the original video at the AVIXA Tech Managers Council Website!
AVIXA™ is the Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association, producer of InfoComm trade shows around the world, co-owner of Integrated Systems Europe, and the international trade association representing the audiovisual industry. Established in 1939, AVIXA has more than 11,400 enterprise and individual members, including manufacturers, systems integrators, dealers and distributors, consultants, programmers, live events companies, technology managers, content producers, and multimedia professionals from more than 80 countries. AVIXA members create integrated AV experiences that deliver outcomes for end users. AVIXA is a hub for professional collaboration, information, and community, and is the leading resource for AV standards, certification, training, market intelligence, and thought leadership.