Joe talks to manufacturers and attendees of the largest trade show for the music industry to discuss what’s new at NAMM 2019 (@NAMMShow). Hear quick takes from: Allen & Heath (@Allen_Heath), Audinate – Dante (@Audinate), Blue Microphones (@BlueMicrophones), Bose (@Bose), DPA Microphones (@DPAMicrophones), Nexus Institute of Creative Arts (@NexusICA), Nord Keyboards (@NordKeyboards), QSC (@QSC) [with the great Cory Schaeffer (@CorySchaeffer)], Sennheiser (@SennheiserUSA), Shure (@Shure), Solid State Logic (@SolidStateLogic), Soundmarker (@TheSoundmarker), Sound Productions (@SoundPro), Yamaha (@YamahaCommAudio), and Zoom Recorders (@zoomfx).